CHILD DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN INSTITUTIONS DOWNSINDROM Education-based therapy is the basis of the strategy Institute PHDF in empowering children with Disabilities , especially for children downsindrom, it is given the existence of the condition of mentality of children slowly (experienced retradasi mental) then the treatment is different with children with disabilities such as child disabled, then for it in the handling of a need for a therapy program that is structured through several stages of therapy. Centralisasi and Home visit are the two things that can not be separated as for elaboration as follows: Functions of Central therapy 1. Centralisasi Therapy is a place where children with special needs to get service-oriented therapy in a child's independence as for therapy provided include: a. speech therapy A hug for therapy in DS children or children in conflict with speech delays, with early detection in the need to know as early as possible find an impaired ability to communicate, as a base to provide speech therapy services. b. Occupational Therapy This therapy is given on the basis of the child in terms of independence, cognitive / understanding, and sensory and motor abilities. Granted independence because they are basically children "troubled" depend on others or even too indifferent to indulge without communication and care of others. This therapy helps children develop strength and coordination, with or without the use of tools c.Terapi Remedial therapy is given to children who experience academic skills disorders, so materials from the school program as a reference bias. cognitive d.Terapy The therapy is given to children who have cognitive and perceptual disorders, such as children who can not concentrate, impaired child understanding, etc. Sensory integration e.Terapi The therapy is given to children who have sensory integration disorders, such as visual sensory, tactile sensory, sensory loss, sensory balance, integration between right brain and left brain, etc. 2. Centralisasi is also a therapy is counseling for parents / community who have children with special needs 3. Centralisasi therapy is always working with the medical staff to provide medical services to the congenital disease suffered by children ABK (as well as in the treatment of Biomedicine) Functions of Home visit (Home Terapy) a. Providing education to parents of children in giving his own therapy at home b. Monitoring each child's development and what has been done by parents in learning to apply therapies that have been acquired c. Provide advocacy to the public understanding of children with special needs d. Make a written report accompanied by evidence photos and videos of child development to the Secretary of the Institute PHDF IV. The existence of institutions and systems coordination with RS Marianum Belu Institute PHDF is a new institution which, in making treatment therapy is still doing a collaboration with RS Marianum which is a partner of the Institute PHDF in giving therapy to children with disabilities in the county Belu since 2015, then in 2016 a program for therapy services to children downsindrom will be divided into two centralisasi namely: 1. In the Secretariat PHDF Jl Air Lobang 2 Number 15 , Village Of Sikumana , district Maulafa Kupang City , East Nusa Tenggara 2. In the RS Marianum Halilulik Belu District PHDF institution is a controller and fully responsible for all activities which are in Kupang or in Belu regency. In the case of the Institute PHDF put a regional coordinator who is assisted by 2 physiotherapists and two field assistants. Enterprises and Media Online Business Enterprises is one of the efforts the Institute anticipate if not get funding again from donors that sustain away from the survival of all activities of the Institute PHDF and effort even this has the intention to provide employment opportunities for families with disabilities, while the effort is meant is a home indusrti manufacture of shredded fish managed by Board Institute PHDF, in the management of Industrial Abon it was originally created: 1. Business Group 2. Marketing A. Business Group The Group consists of: 1. Chaiman of Group 2. Treasurer 3. Mamber The task of every personal is: The task group chairman a. Chairman of the Capital Group of business Receive Enterprises (Institute PHDF), then turn it over to the treasurer to be itemized every expenditure and revenue b. Chairman makes arrangements spending on Industrial c. Chairman of the task coordinate each member in their work d. Chairman responsible for each of all the goods that are marketed and responsible with any proceeds from the sale of products marketed by marketing e. The Chairman shall be responsible for all financial business managed and the financial handed sexy Enterprises (Institute PHDF). Marketing tasks. a. Lobbying lobbying in an effort to market the product b. Make a special agenda in marketing their products c. Report any reservations of consumer products and when the holding of such transactions to the head of the business section (Institute PHDF) Online Media Media online is is an effort to support the Organization in giving any information to the public in the community about what has been done Institution PHDF in empowering ABK through Education-Based Therapy in addition to the Media Online will also help every effort PHDF to support funding in running therapy to children children with special needs (ABK), while the structural arrangements in the management of online media is as follows: 1. General Leaders 2. Corporate Leader 3. IT manager 4. Chief Editor 5. Advertising, Marketing etc. 6. Managing Editor 7. Editor photo 8. News Editor 9. Reporter Duties and Responsibilities 1. General leaders General leader responsible for the running of the company and editorial. He will periodically receive reports on the development of the company's corporate leaders and responsible editor, with data from a report to the report, the General undertaking will determine the development of the company. 2. Corporate leaders Controlling and coordinating policies environment bussines. In the Body Media, at the line editorial staff led by a responsible editor, was part of companies headed by a responsible person who will both be responsible To the person in charge of public 3. IT Manager IT Manager responsible for everything about computer. An operator computer system administrator must understand the local area network (LAN) to share spatial data (map) and non-spatial (Data Documents) on all computers. besides that provides sharing (sharing the folder folders can acces (entered) by certain people in making news for the benefit of the print media / electronic media (radio / TV). Perform Maintenance (repair service) on a computer at either the networking software ( software) as well as on hartware in addition to the administrator providing services in the open database. 4. Editor in chief Chief editor of this position must be accountable for all the instruments in the course of one period of coverage until the edition published / broadcast. Responsible to the success and failure of a proclamation, both on the legal or other. Editor in chief must master all the technical and non-technical news, styles, types and methods of how to make a story worth selling / decent sunrise 5. Ads, Marketing etc. This is one element of the success of the Organization publishing and broadcasting. Advertising a strong team can determine the financial cash inflows .Part also sometimes be established whether a parameter .a Media Institute Advertaser should understand the ethics of advertising Indonesia, contract systems, solutions, trick-tips to get advertising, advertising marketing methods, advertising designer and application of computer-related fields 6. editorial Services A managing editor must be able to communicate well with field reporter .had to be able to answer a reporter's question or help assist reporter if at any time they get a field technical constraints. 7. Photo Editor. Photo Editor section responsible for planning the photos, which will be needed, given the assignment to the photographer, and selecting and lower right photo. 8. News editor Editor / Editor in charge of providing TOR / outline to reporters according to the results editorial meetings. Every editor should provide technical guidance to the field before the reporter assigned to cover an issue. It is important to do, in addition to an outline of the outline, an editor is responsible for all the risks that would be experienced by a reporter who covered the issues that it provides. 9. Reporter Duties and Responsibilities It is responsible for reporting refers to the role of editor of the terms of reference (TOR) / Outline. and issue a single proposal warmly. except the print media reporter that complements its coverage with pictures

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