We all already know that at the present time a lot of disability organizations or individuals with disabilities are always fighting for equal rights and maintaining dignity and indeed it is not something that is easy to implement given the Indonesian government's lack of concern in regard to issues facing by people with disabilities, as we all know that in the Constitution Act of 1945, chapter X of the citizens and residents of article 27 is said "(1) All citizens shall be equal before the law and
government and shall abide the law and government
no exception.
(2) Each individual citizens the right to work and decent living
for humanity.
(3) Every citizen has the right and duty to participate in advocacy efforts
countries. *
and article 28 says: Freedom of association and assembly, issued a mind with oral and written and set forth by law.
However, in the realization that it is still very difficult to be implemented in this country .. and still a lot of negative stigma which always assume that people with disabilities is someone who is weak and not equally harmful.
And also discrimination against persons with disabilities are still perceived primarily in villages or settlements that average people have a limited knowledge. Really this is a concern us all and is an arduous task for activists in advocating for the community and the government. For that is desirable to all people with disabilities to keep the spirit and think positive and do not give up or despair because in changing the lives and livelihood is a duty we all, for it was there that do not tarnish or ruin of the holy struggle.
When we talk about dignity and self-esteem then all of it must begin with ourselves first ... as an example, we ask the government to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities, but what if the persons themselves have never done anything to change in the attitude of dependence in others, it is just as contradictory because how people can appreciate what we are when we are always resigned to fate, then that's what we all have to start up and be ready to make that change and things that we can do in all sectors without exception because a Law books will become obsolete what a paper when we stand together not
government and shall abide the law and government
no exception.
(2) Each individual citizens the right to work and decent living
for humanity.
(3) Every citizen has the right and duty to participate in advocacy efforts
countries. *
and article 28 says: Freedom of association and assembly, issued a mind with oral and written and set forth by law.
However, in the realization that it is still very difficult to be implemented in this country .. and still a lot of negative stigma which always assume that people with disabilities is someone who is weak and not equally harmful.
And also discrimination against persons with disabilities are still perceived primarily in villages or settlements that average people have a limited knowledge. Really this is a concern us all and is an arduous task for activists in advocating for the community and the government. For that is desirable to all people with disabilities to keep the spirit and think positive and do not give up or despair because in changing the lives and livelihood is a duty we all, for it was there that do not tarnish or ruin of the holy struggle.
When we talk about dignity and self-esteem then all of it must begin with ourselves first ... as an example, we ask the government to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities, but what if the persons themselves have never done anything to change in the attitude of dependence in others, it is just as contradictory because how people can appreciate what we are when we are always resigned to fate, then that's what we all have to start up and be ready to make that change and things that we can do in all sectors without exception because a Law books will become obsolete what a paper when we stand together not
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