People with disabilities play an active role in the community development

In East Nusa Tenggara struggle with disabilities in recognition of his rights the day always has a lot of growing with disabilities means having to develop self- awareness , although in fact it is very difficult battle considering the concern of the government of East Nusa Tenggara is not maximized in the notice of disability issues proved during six y
ears of operational funding for the activities of organizations of persons with disabilities are not given anymore by the government as a year ago this affects a lot of organizations of persons with disabilities are passive and they only depend on the projects of other institutions ( non persons with disabilities ) who have programs for the disabled , but it it does not mean we should give up in unfavorable conditions like this . Many positive things that have been done by several organizations such as PPDI ( asosiation people with disability ) , HWPDI ( asosiation women disabilty ) and PHDF , Pelita Disabelitas Flobamora , they make a solution in any activity in running the organization are always using their skills base that can generate money , after getting money from their work then that has been collected they can run the activities of the organization the date 9 mared 2013 - June 12, 2013 they carry out advocacy activities targeting the general public , while the intent and purpose is so that people can understand about the many types of disabilities and they can see the reality that people with disabilities are able to do something useful for others , the program PPDI ago is organizing free English language courses to young men and women from the general population who drop out and no longer in school learning , it is expected that the program not only just heard about people with disabilities speak similarities in demanding their rights but to demonstrate his ability then the public will be able to eliminate the negative stigma that has always stated that people with disabilities can not be useful to the community .

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