Importance of Implementation



A. Background Issues

Education is a basic human need, as with humans acquire educational knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills so that people can ensure their survival to be more dignified. Through education, human resources can be improved, so has the ability and skill to carry the nation toward better. Because the state has a duty to provide a quality education to every citizen without exception, including those with differing abilities (disabilities).

1945 Constitution, Article 31 (1) says that "each citizen is entitled to receive instruction". But this can only be fulfilled when Indonesia entered the long-term development of unity in 1969/1970-1993/1994. In this period, the government began to pay attention to education for students who have the potential for intelligence and special talents.

Implementation of special education for children who have the potential intelligence and talents, including the acceleration (acceleration) studied philosophy regarding human nature, the nature of national development, the purpose of education and efforts to achieve educational goals. The downside is visible from coordination education like this is not the accommodation needs of students idividual outside the normal students.

Inclusive education is an approach that seeks to transform the education system by eliminating barriers that can hinder any student to participate fully in education. In other words, is the inclusion of educational services children with special needs who are educated together other children (normal) to optimize its potential. However, in its implementation of education is still not performing well because the accommodation needs of students outside of the normal students.

B. Problems

Organizing inclusive education system is one of the requirements that must be met to build an inclusive society (inclusive society). A society of mutual respect and uphold the values ​​- the value of diversity as part of the reality of life. Government through PP.No.19 2005 on National Education Standards, Article 41 (1) has encouraged the establishment of inclusive education system by stating that any educational unit implementing inclusive education should have the educational staff have competence organizes learning for students with special needs . Legislation on inclusive education and even the implementation of educational inclusion trials were said to have done.
However, the question now is to what extent the seriousness of the government to encourage the implementation of inclusive education system for the disabled???
Some cases arise for example the lack of a means of supporting inclusive education system, lack of knowledge and skills of school teachers inclusion shows how inclusive education system has not really well prepared. Moreover, the system of general education curriculum that is now does not accommodate the presence of childrens who have different abilities (disabilities). So that seems to inclusive education program only impressed the experimental program.
This condition adds to the burden of tasks that must be borne by teachers who deal directly with technical issues in the field. On the one hand, teachers should strive to meet the demands of his conscience to educate all students, while on the other hand the teachers do not have sufficient skills to deliver learning materials to students with disabilities.



A. Definition of Inclusive Education

Including inclusive education is nothing new in Indonesia generally. There is some understanding of inclusive education, such as inclusive education is an approach that seeks to transform the education system by eliminating barriers that can hinder any student to participate fully in education.
As for the notion of inclusive education experts point out that it can be seen as follows:
1. Inclusive education is a system service that requires special needs children studying in nearby schools in a regular classroom with my peers (Sapon-Shevin in 0 Neil 1994).
2. School organizers are inclusive special education schools that accommodate all students in the same grade school is to provide a decent education, challenging, but adapted to the abilities and needs of each student and help and suport that can be given by the teacher, so that children succeed (Stainback , 1980).

Inclusive education is actually a model of implementation of education programs for children with disabilities or disability where implementation is integrated with normal children and its place in public schools using the curriculum in force related to institutions. Background inclusion is due to limited outside school (SLB) or Extraordinary Primary School (SDLB) are still very limited in number and limited to a specific place that is new to the district level, and even then privately owned, while the SLB Affairs in the District.
Juridical Basis:
1. 1945 barely 31 are set out in the National Education Law No.. 20 of 2003 on the provision of other colors in the provision of education for children with disabilities
2. Law no. 29 In 2003, also described in the Law. 4 Year 1997 on Disability
3. PP. 72 Year 1997 on PLB
4. Director General of Ministry of Basic Education No. SE. 380/C.C6/MN/2003 dated January 20, 2003 on Pilot Implementation of integrated education.

B. Classification of Children with Special Needs

Grouping children with special needs and the type of service, according to the Directorate for Program Year 2006 Extraordinary School and Guidance Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education Department of Education are as follows:
1. Blind
2. Deaf
3. Tuna Grahita: (a.l. Down Syndrome)
4. Grahita Light Tuna (IQ = 50-70)
5. Tuna Grahita Medium (IQ = 25-50)
6. Tuna Grahita Weight (IQ 125) J. Talented: Potential special talents (Multiple Intelligences: Language, Logico-mathematic, Visuo-spatial, Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Natural, Spiritual).
7. Learning Disabilities (al hyperactive, ADD / ADHD, Dyslexia / Reading, dysgraphia / Write, Dyscalculia / Calculate, dysphasia / Talk, dyspraxia / motor)
8. Slow Learning (IQ = 70 -90)
9. Autism
10. Victims of Drug Abuse
11. Indigo

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