Based on what one observed to the number of relatively large and far exceeded
PHDF then tries to give special attention to issues of Autism. to knowledge is still very limited because of the problems of autism requires a sufficient understanding then in the year 2013 PHDF create programs for each agency PHDF Board and the instructors.

The program includes:

-understanding of Autism
-DSM Diagnostic and Statistic of manual of mental disorder
-how do I know austism through drawing program

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Berdasarkan suatu pengamatan ternyata jumlah relatif cukup banyak dan selama ini terlewati maka PHDF mencoba untuk memberikan perhatian secara khusus kepada permasalahan tentang Autism. Dengan pengetahuan yang masih sangat terbatas oleh sebab permasalahan autism membutuhkan suatu pemahaman yang cukup maka dalam tahun 2013 PHDF membuat program untuk setiap badan Pengurus PHDF dan para instruktur.

Program meliputi :

  • Pemahaman tentang Autism
  • DSM Diagnostic and Statistic of manual of mental disorder
  • Karakteristik
  • Bagaimana caranya mengenal austism melalui  program menggambar

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                              Programs & Services

Stigma (Human Dignity)
Discrimination (Equal Opportunity)
Gender (Woman’s value)
Advocacy Program
Informal Employment Training
Job Placement
Health Program
Livelihoods Program
No. Workshop
Workshop Conferences – promotions of the rights of people with disability e.g. lobbying with legislative to pass of laws that empower the sector
Information Materials – printed reading materials for public information e.g. brochures, leaflets, and the use of Mass Media

Usual Participants: Members of DPRD, Department of Social, Tokoh Agama, Tokoh Masyarakat, Gubernur (Wakil), Citra Busana, ILO, etc.

  • Sewing training center is located at Jl. H.R. Koroh No. 109 Sikuman, Kopang
  • Free Meals and Lodging
  • Incentives – 20% of their income from products made by the trainees
  • Teachers – 2 (1 male; 1 female)
  • Sent 10 sewing trainees to Makassar Training Center (2009)
  • Sent 15 sewing trainees to Makassar Training Center (2010)

  • 4 women with disability are now working in Citra Busana
  • Others who can not get employed would want to put up their small business such as tailor shop, carpentry shop, electronics shop, etc.
  • PHDF NTT would like to put a strong cooperative for its members in the province e.g. Multi-Purpose Cooperative (Lending program component, consumers cooperative, etc.)
  • Business Management Training – is needed for those who want and are now having their own businesses

  • Prevention program for disability – mothers are attending lectures on how to take care of their babies while inside their wombs through lectures by health practitioners e.g. nutritionist, midwife, etc.

  • PHDF NTT wants to put up its own drugstore and small medical clinic where its members can avail of its services at discounted prices.

  • Scholarship for education of a child from a family of persons with disability from elementary up to high school level.

  • Free tuition, books and school supplies, school uniforms, and transport.

  • PHDF- NTT will target at least 100 students each year for the next five years.

  • PHDF NTT received a total of 14 wheel chairs from the head office last year 2009 and still waiting for the next batch of wheel chairs allotment last year 2010 up to this time.

  • Distribution of wheel chairs (Kupang 12; Sikha 2)

No. of Workshops Conducted: 9
2007 – 2
2008 – 2
2009 – 3
2010 – 2

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Kota Kupang
Kabupaten Kupang
Sumba Timur
Sumba Barat
23,570 (36,000)
Deaf & Mute
Hearing Impairment
Old Age
No Education
High School
Post Graduate
Small Business (Kios)
Farmers (Corn, Vegetables)
Fish Vendors (Street, Market)
Teachers (UNIKA) Agus Saik & Goris
Parking Attendant
Poultry owners
Salon attendants
Government employees (D. Social)
Roman Catholic

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Kupang is a municipality and capital city as well as Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. The municipality is the largest city on the coast of Kupang Bay, in the northwest of the island of Timor.
As the largest city in East Nusa Tenggara province, Kupang met by various tribes. Spare a significant number in "Kupang" is a tribe Timor, Rote, Sabu, Sumba, Alor, Chinese, Flores and a few settlers from Java.
The total area of ​​Kupang is 180.27 km ² with a population of approximately 450,000 inhabitants (2010). The area is divided into 6 districts and 50 villages.
The total number of people with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara, 36 thousand, and the city of Kupang there are 3000 people with disabilities, their lives 99% still live in poverty 'and it certainly can have dire consequences for resource the people with disabilities defects and it is the contradiction with the advancement of Science and current technology,
The government also felt concern can still be felt in an optimal, in fact many organizations of persons with disabilities who have been doing advocacy on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities but it still felt a change and many cases of discrimination experienced by people with disabilities. Things make a Iwan Hermawan with disabilities who previously had joined in the Organization of disabled in the national level advocacy on the rights of persons with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara feel the need to do something his friends with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara, Iwan who work every day to manage the English language aside some earnings to create an institution of Pelita Harapan Disabelitas Flobamora (PHDF) provides specialized coaching skills and knowledge common to people with disabilities age Productive, while expectations by providing skills training and General Science will be able to create with disabilities who can work in the community and have the confidence , Iwan Hermawan have very attentive to the problems experienced by children with Autism because there are still so many people who do not know and understand what is Autism? And often children with autism are treated very sad, there are still many people who think that Autism is a mental illness or something crazy. So Iwan Hermawan Pongkapadang in advocating the rights of persons with disabilities always provide socialization of autism and also tried to open a special class for children with Autism to learn to draw the real through drawing lessons are one therapy to children with autism to interact.
Although the existence of Pelita HarapanDisabelitas Flobamora still many shortcomings but will always try to give something nice to the disabled and to the observer of humanity what if you have something better for yourself remember us, even a little gift from you we are very grateful and appreciate it very much.. may God with Us,

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Name: Pelita Harapan Disabelitas Flobamora
Address: BTN Kolhua Block A No. 37, RT 01 01/RW Kolhua Village, District Maulafa
contact person: +6281236611684
notary acte number: 143 dated October 27, 2012
Number listed on the Public Protection Agency (Balinmas): 220/640.283.3-922.000
TIN number agencies: 31.640.283.3 - 922 000
Hermawan's Account Number in the name of Bank BRI 4676 UNIT OEPURA KUPANG: 4676-01-020096-53-3

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Advocacy is essential for marginalized populations, including those with disabilities, if they are truly integrated into society with the rights and the same responsibilities as other community members.

However, for people with disabilities become agents of social change, they must also recognize the need for change in their own attitudes and behavior. Thus, change must occur in both directions, not only on a social level but also at the internal level.

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Advokasi merupakan hal yang mendasar bagi penduduk yang terpinggirkan, termasuk para penyandang cacat, apabila mereka sungguh-sungguh terintegrasi ke dalam masyarakat dengan hak-hak dan tanggung jawab yang sama seperti anggota masyarakat yang lain.
Namun demikian, agar para penyandang cacat menjadi agen perubahan sosial, mereka juga harus mengakui perlunya perubahan dalam sikap dan perilaku mereka sendiri. Dengan demikian perubahan harus terjadi dalam dua arah, bukan hanya pada tingkat sosial namun juga pada tingkat internal.

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Human Rights

Human rights inherent in private someone just because that person is a human being. the rights are owned by all people, including persons with disabilities without discrimination. Therefore, the State can not "give" you your rights, they can only "recognize" this right, which they are obliged to fulfill.

Another definition for the human rights are universal basic needs without which people can not live with dignity.

 Human rights can not be denied: You can not lose rights - these rights just as you can not stop being human.

  Human rights can not be separated - apart: anyone can not reject any of the rights - your rights because such rights are considered "less important" or "not important"

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Hak Asasi Manusia

Hak Asasi Manusia
Hak asasi manusia melekat pada pribadi seseorang hanya karena orang tersebut adalah manusia. Hak - hak ini dimiliki oleh semua manusia termasuk penyandang cacat tanpa diskriminasi. Karena itu, Negara tidak dapat “memberi” Anda hak asasi anda; mereka hanya bisa “mengakui” hak ini, yang wajib mereka penuhi.

Definisi lain untuk hak - hak asasi manusia adalah kebutuhan dasar universal yang tanpanya orang tidak dapat hidup dengan penuh harkat dan martabat.

hak asasi manusia tidak dapat disangkal: Anda tidak dapat kehilangan hak - hak ini seperti halnya Anda tidak dapat berhenti menjadi manusia.

hak asasi manusia tidak dapat dipisah - pisahkan: siapapun tidak bisa menolak salah satu dari hak - hak Anda hanya karena hak tersebut dianggap “kurang penting” atau “tidak penting”

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Kupang is a municipality and capital city as well as Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. The municipality is the largest city on the coast of Kupang Bay, in the northwest of the island of Timor.
As the largest city in East Nusa Tenggara province, Kupang met by various tribes. Spare a significant number in "Kupang" is a tribe Timor, Rote, Sabu, Sumba, Alor, Chinese, Flores and a few settlers from Java.
The total area of ​​Kupang is 180.27 km ² with a population of approximately 450,000 inhabitants (2010). The area is divided into 6 districts and 50 villages.
The total number of people with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara, 36 thousand, and the city of Kupang there are 3000 people with disabilities, their lives 99% still live in poverty 'and it certainly can have dire consequences for resource the people with disabilities defects and it is the contradiction with the advancement of Science and current technology,
The government also felt concern can still be felt in an optimal, in fact many organizations of persons with disabilities who have been doing advocacy on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities but it still felt a change and many cases of discrimination experienced by people with disabilities. Things make a Iwan Hermawan with disabilities who previously had joined in the Organization of disabled in the national level advocacy on the rights of persons with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara feel the need to do something his friends with disabilities in East Nusa Tenggara, Iwan who work every day to manage the English language aside some earnings to create an institution of Pelita Harapan Disabelitas Flobamora (PHDF) provides specialized coaching skills and knowledge common to people with disabilities age Productive, while expectations by providing skills training and General Science will be able to create with disabilities who can work in the community and have the confidence , Iwan Hermawan have very attentive to the problems experienced by children with Autism because there are still so many people who do not know and understand what is Autism? And often children with autism are treated very sad, there are still many people who think that Autism is a mental illness or something crazy. So Iwan Hermawan Pongkapadang in advocating the rights of persons with disabilities always provide socialization of autism and also tried to open a special class for children with Autism to learn to draw the real through drawing lessons are one therapy to children with autism to interact.
Although the existence of Pelita HarapanDisabelitas Flobamora still many shortcomings but will always try to give something nice to the disabled and to the observer of humanity what if you have something better for yourself remember us, even a little gift from you we are very grateful and appreciate it very much.. may God with Us,

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Kota Kupang adalah sebuah kotamadya dan sekaligus ibu kota provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia. Kotamadya ini adalah kota yang terbesar di pesisir Teluk Kupang di bagian barat laut pulau Timor.
Sebagai kota terbesar di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kota Kupang dipenuhi oleh berbagai suku bangsa. Suku yang signifikan jumlahnya di "Kota Kupang" adalah suku Timor, Rote, Sabu ,Sumba ,Alor , Tionghoa, Flores dan sebagian kecil pendatang dari Jawa.

Luas wilayah Kota Kupang adalah 180,27 km² dengan jumlah penduduk sekitar 450.000 jiwa (2010). Daerah ini terbagi menjadi 6 kecamatan dan 50 kelurahan.

Jumlah seluruh penyandang cacat di Nusa Tenggara Timur ada 36 ribu dan di kota Kupang terdapat 3000 penyandang cacat. Kehidupan mereka 99% masih hidup didalam kemiskinan dan hal ini tentu saja berdampak sangat buruk untuk sumber daya penyandanng cacat karena sangat kontradiksi dengan kemajuan Ilmu dan Teknologi saat ini.
Perhatian Pemerintah juga masih belum dapat dirasakan secara optimal. Sesungguhnya banyak organisasi penyandang cacat yang telah melakukan Advokasi tentang perlindungan hak hak penyandang cacat tetapi masih belum dirasakan suatu perubahan. Dan masih banyak kasus diskriminasi yang dirasakan oleh para penyandang cacat. Hal tersebut membuat Hermawan Iwan Pongkapadang, seorang penyandang cacat yang sebelumnya pernah bergabung didalam Organisasi penyandang cacat tingkat nasional dalam melakukan advokasi tentang hak hak penyandang cacat di Nusa Tenggara Timur, merasa perlu melakukan sesuatu terhadap teman temannya para penyandang cacat di Nusa Tenggara Timur.  Iwan yang bekerja mengelola sebuah kursus Bahasa Inggris menyisihkan sebagian pendapatannya untuk membuat sebuah lembaga Pelita Harapan Disabelitas Flobamora (PHDF) khusus memberikan pembinaan ketrampilan dan pengetahuan umum kepada penyandang cacat usia produktif.  Adapun harapannya dengan memberikan pelatihan ketrampilan dan ilmu pengetahuan umum akan dapat menciptakan penyandang cacat yang dapat bekerja ditengah masyarakat dan punya rasa percaya diri.
Hermawan Iwan Pongkapadang juga mempunyai perhatian pada permasalahan yang dirasakan oleh anak anak Autism sebab masih sangat banyak masyarakat yang belum mengerti dan memahami apa itu Autism. Dan seringkali anak anak autisme diperlakukan dengan sangat menyedihkan.  Masyarakat masih banyak yang beranggapan bahwa Autism adalah sesuatu penyakit jiwa atau gila. Maka Hermawan Iwan Pongkapadang dalam memberikan advokasi tentang hak hak penyandang cacat selalu memberikan sosialisasi tentang autism dan juga mencoba membuka sebuah kelas khusus untuk anak anak Autism untuk belajar menggambar yang sesungguhnya melalui pelajaran menggambar adalah salah satu terapi agar anak anak autism dapat berinteraksi.

Walaupun Keberadaan Lembaga Pelita Harapan Disabilitas masih banyak kekurangannya tetapi akan selalu berusaha memberikan sesuatu yang baik kepada penyandang cacat dan kepada seluruh pemerhati masalah kemanusian apa bila anda mempunyai sesuatu yang lebih untuk diri anda ingatlah kami. Walau sedikit pemberian dari anda kami sangat berterimakasih dan sangat menghargainya. Semoga Tuhan Beserta Kita.

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Institutions Governing Body PHDF

chairman : Hermawan ( Iwan Pongkapadang )
secretary : Theresia Messakh
treasurer : Anita Nida Bulu

Bureau of Educational and Cultural : Agus Saik Spd
advocacy : Paul Mitan SH
Business partners : Jane Junita Dalle
Bureau of International Relations : Ir Ratna Hermawati .MM

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Nama : Pelita Harapan Disabelita Flobamora
Alamat : BTN Kolhua Blok A no 37 , RT 01/RW 01 Kelurahan Kolhua , Kecamatan Maulafa
email :
contact person : +6281236611684
nomor acte notaris : 143 tanggal 27 Oktober 2012
No tedaftar di Badan Perlindung Masyarakat ( Balinmas ) : 220/640.283.3-922.000
No NPWP lembaga : 31.640.283.3 – 922.000
Nomor Rekening atas nama Hermawan Bank BRI 4676 UNIT OEPURA KUPANG : 4676-01-020096-53-3

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Drawing program is one program for children with autism

Institute PHDF not just for one type of disability, but also very concerned with autism and through drawing program is one program for children with autism

Lembaga PHDF bukan hanya hanya untuk satu jenis kecacatan saja tetapi juga sangat peduli dengan autism dan melalui program menggambar adalah salah satu progam bagi anak anak autism

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Institute PHDF not just for one type of disability, but also very concerned with autism and through drawing program is one program for children with autism

Lembaga PHDF bukan hanya hanya untuk satu jenis kecacatan saja tetapi juga sangat peduli dengan autism dan melalui program menggambar adalah salah satu progam bagi anak anak autism

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Lembaga Pelita Harapan Disabilitas Flobamora (PHDF) berdiri di Kupang - Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)  pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2012.  
PHDF merupakan ekspresi dari keinginan penyandang cacat di NTT di dalam mengejar ketertinggalannya dengan saudara senasib dan sepenanggungan yang berada didaerah lainnya di Indonesia pada khususnya yang berada di Pulau Jawa yang telah banyak memiliki SDM yang terampil dan berkwalitas. 
Mengingat bahwa jumlah penyandang cacat di NTT ada sekitar 36 ribu jiwa dan 99% masih hidup dibawah garis kemiskinan, hal tersebut tentu sangat berdampak pada minimnya SDM penyandang cacat di NTT tersebut.
Pada tahun 2006 ketika Komnas Ham melakukan monitoring tentang pemenuhan hak penyandang cacat di sembilan daerah di Indonesia, NTT merupakan salah satu daerah dengan tingkat diskriminasi yang masih tinggi yang dirasakan oleh para penyandang cacat.  Hal ini disebabkan karena belum maksimal perhatian yang diberikan oleh pemerintah daerah kepada penyandang cacat dan kurangnya sosialisasi pemahaman hak–hak penyandang cacat sehingga pelanggaran terhadap hak asasi pun dilakukan oleh masyarakat maupun pemerintah itu sendiri yang disengaja maupun yang tidak disengaja sering terjadi oleh sebab tidak adanya sangsi didalam setiap pelanggaran tersebut.
Hal ini sesungguhnya telah menjadi perhatian bagi organisasi nasional yang berada di NTT dan banyaklah upaya yang dilakukan dalam memperjuangkan hak-hak penyandang cacat di NTT. Namun hal ini belum dapat merubah kesejahteraan para penyandang cacat di NTT. Maka untuk itulah pentingnya sebuah organisasi lokal yang dapat mewadahi inspirasi dan aspirasi penyandang cacat di NTT sehingga dapat menyentuh pada persoalan dan keperluan penyandang cacat itu sendiri. Sehingga diharapkan dengan adanya PHDF maka pemerintah daerah akan dapat lebih memperhatikan terhadap kesejahteraan penyandang cacat di NTT terutama di dalam meningkatkan pendidikan, ketrampilan serta pengetahuan sehingga kesejahteraan dapat dirasakan oleh para penyandang cacat di NTT tersebut.
PHDF di dalam melakukan visi dan misinya melalukan program-program pelatihan yang diprioritaskan kepada para penyandang cacat dengan usia produktif. Hal ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mempersiapkan generasi muda penyandang cacat yang trampil dan mandiri di dalam melakukan pekerjaannya atau membuka lapangan pekerjaan di tengah masyarakat. Dan dalam memberikan pelatihan kepada penyandang cacat disertakan pula pengetahuan tentang perkembangan teknologi yang saat ini tidak dapat dipandang sebelah mata namun menuntut seseorang untuk memiliki kwalitas kerja yang baik. 

Non-governmental organizations Pelita Harapan Disabilities Flobamora first started in capital Kupang in West Timor on 27 October 2012, subsequent disability Flobamora Institute Pelita Harapan was abbreviated to (PHDF)
Another flaw in Indonesia in particular in areas that are in Java that has a lot to have a skilled and qualified human resources, considering also that the number of persons with disabilities in the province can not be said that only a slight amount, but rather there are 36 thousand inhabitants and 99% still living below the poverty line that would greatly impact the lack of human resources is disabled in NTT in 2006, when the National Human Rights Commission conduct monitoring on compliance Rights of Persons with disabilities in nine regions in Indonesia Nusa East southeast is one of the areas with high levels of discrimination that still perceived by people with disabilities, This is because most attention has not been given the Local Government To Disabled and lack of socialization Understanding Rights of Persons with disabilities so that rights violations were carried out by the public and the government itself intentional or unintentional frequent occur because of the absence of sanctions within each violation.
It actually has been a concern for the national organization in NTT and multiply the efforts made in the fight for the rights of persons with disabilities in the province, but it has not been able to change the welfare of people with disabilities in the province, so that's why the importance of a local organization that can accommodate of inspiration and aspirations of persons with disabilities in the province so as to touch the issues and needs of persons with disabilities themselves So hopefully by the Institute of Pelita Harapan Flobamora then shall the Government to pay more attention to the welfare of persons with disabilities in the province, especially in improving education and skills and knowledge so that welfare also it can be felt by people with disabilities in the province's
Pelita Harapan Flobamora Disability Institute, in making its vision and mission through programs - training programs are prioritized to people with disabilities (ages Productive,) this is done with the aim to prepare young people with disabilities who are skilled and independent in making their work / job opportunities in the community , and in PHDF provide training to persons with disabilities included also knowledge about the development of technology that can not currently be seen only one eye, but rather requires a person to have a good quality of work

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